A refreshing and relaxing family weekend in Belgium has also been the opportunity for me to see how they think and find solutions to the plastics problem out there.
And, YES -no surprise- the awareness and the will to save our oceans, the maritime life and ourselves are definitely there too 🇧🇪
It was particularly pleasing to see that supermarket giant Carrefour provides 50c cloth bags near the fruits and veg stands. The items are loosely on display for each consumer to choose and bag its own 🍇 🍈 🍉🌽 🌶
The bags are neat and can fold in any size purse or back pocket of jeans. No excuse!
And for those who would have more rustic tastes, there also are some hessian bags -formed from jute, hemp, or other natural fibers - available for 50c.
Most UK supermarkets persist in wrapping everything in plastic or providing plastic bags to put your loose items in!
As consumers, we are powerful! We can make ourselves heard via social media, feedback and complaints forms or, more radically, take the plastic off your goods and leave it at the till. The supermarkets will have to dispose of it and pay for its collection and recycling. Haha!
See what my Kenilworth mayor Alison has to say about the power of complaints here
Support us on land, when we bravely fight on the sea! Thank you