As part of getting ready for my exciting voyage I felt a huge drive to express myself and share. I had to busy myself with it. This need certainly was a way of dealing with the expectation and anticipation.
I had 5 months between getting selected and embarking onto my journey. It was so intense and so exciting that I was often awake at night thinking, planning, rejoicing. My mind was going mental, on overdrive at all times. I felt it hard to focus on anything else. This was so immense for me!

Of course, I did spend a huge amount of time preparing myself for this trip, which was a way of using that bursting energy. I researched everything I could about eXXpedition, about the plastics issue, about the Caribbean islands that I would visit as part of Leg 4. I developed new skills - this website is the evidence! I hit the gym hard (and lost 10 kilos), watched what I ate, what I drank - all so that the crewing (and the overall experience) was not going to be impeded by weight or energy issues. I had to express myself and started writing blogs.
That still wasn't enough to quench my bursting mind.
I had been interested for a while about the power of infographics and had decided, a long time ago, that this was the best ever way to communicate facts. I have read tons of books on it, have looked into joining courses.
But I didn't really have any facts to communicate....until now.....
And then I found the best tool for designing clean, clear informational graphics and I now had something to communicate... Here is the gallery of my creations as were shared on my social media channels.